D & M Woodcraft
D - M Woodcraft

About D - M

Some Project Pictures

More Project Pictures Page 1

More Project Pictures Page 2

Toymaking Plans Projects

Wood Magazine Projects

Religious Articles

Military Plaques


Conference Room Table

Denis' Freeservers Page
Hello, my name is Denis Muras.

I enjoy woodworking and this is a sample of the work that I have done.

I have been working in wood as a hobby since about 1981 and have progressed to a large shop with space to spread out better. My specialty is toys, since I enjoy building them the best. I have done small furniture pieces, such as bread boxes and jewelery chests as well.

Site Updates

2/26/2002 - Opened site and began to edit and add details.
2/28/2002 - Added Pictures and placed some comments about myself.
5/17/2004 - Added picture of the Intarsia Tiger
Between the 2 dates a large number of pictures were added
6/12/2006 - Added picture of Entertaiment Center

1/25/2012 - Added pictures of a Walnut Locomotive and Wooden Geared Clock


5/15/2021 Added Project page for Toymaking Plans projects

5/15/2021 Added Project page for Wood Magazine projects and moved pictures to it.

D&M Woodcraft Home Page
I plan to continually add pictures of my works to this site. I hope to change some of the pictures as I make new or other interesting items. Please plan to visit to see more of my work.


Plans for this Bulldozer and a Loader Backhoe are Available.
This Bulldozer Model and the Loader-Backhoe Model have plans available. I had drawn these plans and sold the plans through mail order. These plans attempt to walk the builder through the various components. If you are interested in the Loader or Dozer plans, please email me for more information.

Original design Model
This model of a bulldozer was my attempt to make a tractor with working tracks. Other bulldozer models did not have the tracks moving.
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Please sign my guest book on my About Page. Thanks